08 August, 2019

Bukit Batok TMC as Workshop Speaker, 03rd August 2019

On the 03rd August 2019, I dropped by Bukit Batok Toastmasters Club for a short language workshop.  This was my 23rd club visit on the 34th day of the Toastmaster year.  Unfortunately, due to work and personal commitments, I was only able to come for my segment, and had to leave early.  I would like to thank club president, Tony Lim Tong Lee, for having me.

In my 20-minute segment, I gave an overview of rhetoric, and its role in the development of civilisation.  I cited examples from historically significant speeches from memory.  This included President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s Berlin Address, Rev. Martin Luther King’s “I had a Dream” speech, Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill’s “Never Surrender”, and Malcom X’s “Field Nigger” speech.

I went into some detail on why they used the words they used, the manner of delivery, how they connected with the audience, and the effects.  We then considered how we, as Toastmasters, can use the same rhetorical and psychological tricks to move an audience towards a position we want, and make a better, more convincing argument.

Eric Tan Shi Wei then wowed the audience with his explanation of rhetorical devices, and how to use them.  He was the language evaluator for the day.

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