17 August, 2020

Quora Answer: Would You Do Business with a Country You Oppose on Grounds of Morality?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “If you have the opportunity to do a good business deal in a country whose social norms, culture, leadership, or style of governance you oppose on grounds of morality, would you do the deal or not?

For me, the question is not hypothetical.  Business is business.  If the project is real, the contract is enforceable, and there is money to be made, I do what needs to be done.  I am not interested in imposing my values on others.  Anyone who has that sort of moral zeal should not be in business, and should not be in finance.

From a logical perspective, if you want to change someone to your point of view, or nudge them towards congruent values, you must have leverage over them.  The world functions on self-interest.  When you do business with someone, and are a source of their wealth, and the acquisition of influence and power, it is only natural that you are in a position to influence their worldview.  It is in their self-interest to listen to you.

Boycotts have no tangible long-term effect because this is the free market of goods and services.  There will always be another vendor, another consultant, another buyer.  There is nothing to gain from excluding ourselves on the basis of morality.  The very concept of morality is malleable, and intangible.  My morality involves the acquisition of power and influence to ruthlessly effect change according to my values.  Personally, I would do business with the Devil if it advanced my agenda.  It is a logical, not emotional, transaction.

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