26 August, 2020

Quora Answer: Is Calling Someone a Bigot a Form of Ad Hominem Attack?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “Is calling someone a bigot a form of ad hominem attack?

Firstly, we have to understand that argumentum ad hominem is a dishonest form of engagement, where instead of addressing the contention raised, the perpetrator seeks to undermine the character, the intentions, and the credibility of the other person.  It ignores the central contention or substantive point raised.  As to whether calling a person a bigot is a form of argumentum ad hominem, it depends entirely on the context of the exchange.  The contention raised may sound bigoted, but that does not mean the person is.  It could be a misinterpretation on either party, it could be a genuine error, it could be many other things.  In principle, it would be better to state a person is a bigot only after you have addressed the contention, and are able to argue why he is.  In such a case, it is not an ad hominem attack; it is a conclusion.

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