23 August, 2020

Quora Answer: How Do Liberal & Conservative Ideologies Apply to Singapore?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “How do liberal and conservative ideologies apply to Singapore?

This concept of being Liberal or Conservative is an American social and political philosophy, and is not applicable to Singapore.  There is no definitive list of Conservative or Liberal values, but we have a general framework.

For example, the Conservative ideology strongly advocates an American exceptionalism born of notions of manifest destiny, White Protestant Evangelical Christian values, libertarianism, disdain for social safety nets, suspicion of foreigners, support for violent military adventurism, and a moral universalism which is nothing moral than religious hypocrisy.

In contrast, American Liberalism emphasises the inalienable rights of the individual over society.  This means unfettered freedom of speech without consideration of consequences, disdain for the social contract but support for civil rights, freedom of the press without responsibility, and suspicion of government.  The emphasis is on the self, not the good of society.

Both ideologies have no place in Singapore.  Singapore emphasises the collective, financial prudence, working in multilateral international frameworks, international law, and social responsibility.  The United States is an example of what we do not want to be, with its disrespect for traditions, its anti-intellectualism, and selfishness.

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