30 August, 2020

Quora Answer: What Does Terence Kenneth John Nunis Think of Imran Kassim?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “What does Terence Kenneth John Nunis think of Imran Kassim, having potentially worked with him before?

I was business development manager at Novo Logistics Pte. Ltd. for almost a year.  Imran Kassim was the sole director, and had recently inherited control of the business.  I spent a great deal of time with him in that period, as was the requirements of my job.

He had extremist tendencies that warranted a closer look at his correspondence and finances.  Shortly after I officially left the company, he was put under formal investigation.  He tried to sneak into Syria via Turkey twice, contacted and attempted to join ISIS, before he was finally detained under the Internal Security Act for attempting specific acts.

In January 2020, Imran Kassim became the first person to be convicted under the Terrorism (Suppression of Financing) Act, for transferring funds to a known designated terrorist.  He admitted all charges.  He was sentenced to 33 months.  Upon release, he will continue to be detained under the Internal Security Act.  I predict he will be a very old man by the time he is released, since he has a strong propensity to reoffend, and is beyond rehabilitation.

You are free to speculate on my opinion of him.

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