06 May, 2020

Quora Answer:- Will Singapore Ever Merge with Malaysia Again?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “Will Singapore merge with Malaysia again, after being separated for so long?

No.  What does Singapore have to gain from such a merger?  The only way we would even consider it would be if we implement our governance and policy standards.  This means dismantling the preferential treatment for Malays under the NEP and the bumiputera policy.  I do not see the Malay majority agreeing to that.  This means a huge anti-corruption drive.  I do not think the vast majority of Malaysian politicians would want to give up their ill-gotten wealth and spending time in prison.  This means a dismantling of the cozy relationship between certain businesses and vested interests.  I do not see Malaysian oligarchs looking forward to audits and proper scrutiny.

All that aside, the costs of merger would be ridiculously high.  It will upset the demographic balance we have in Singapore, and we will end up subsidising a vastly poorer hinterland at no immediate gain.  And to compound that, we will be left with a Muslim majority.  Every time we have had a Muslim majority, and they are not in power, the chances of insurgency are almost guaranteed.

All things considered, things are better the way they are.  Malaysia can stumble along to developed status, hampered by race and religious issues, and Singapore can continue to benefit from the brain drain, and capital flight.

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