17 April, 2020

Quora Answer: Where Should I Invest $100,000 for High Dividends?

As some have mentioned before, a reasonable option would be to invest in a mutual fund or collective investment scheme.  This allows you to diversify your investment at minimal cost.  If you want high dividends, then have a greater weightage towards equities, and focus on high growth counters such as technology, and renewables, and growth areas such as East Asia, the Greater China region or Southwest Asia.  If you have a taste for somewhere exotic, East Africa - Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Madagascar - is projected to be the next big are due to their stability, progressive governance, relatively low corruption and wealth of natural resources.

Investing in dividends in one thing.  Keeping most of what you earned is another issue.  Many places have a capital gains tax.  Either invest in countries that do not have it, such as Singapore, or invest through a vehicle you control.  It does not cost much to set up a trust or company, so that you can mitigate your tax liability.

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