28 April, 2020

Quora Answer: Do Financial Advisory Companies Like Edward Jones Charge Customers Hidden Fees & Commissions?

No.  In any financial product, the distribution cost is clearly shown in the benefit illustration, and a copy of that benefit illustration is given to the client.  There are no hidden charges beyond this.  If the product is an insurance plan, the premiums may be level or non-level.  If it is a level premium, then the premium stays the same for the duration of the policy.  If it not level, then the increase in premium is detailed in that benefit illustration.

What is hidden is how that distribution cost is parcelled out between the agent, the insurer or product provider and the regulatory authority, if any.  Whilst the client has access to the overall cost, he does not have access to the details of that cost for practical reasons.  How an advisory company compensates their staff is their own prerogative, and it varies according to their seniority, product promotion and other external costs.  With so many variables, the cost of producing such a detailed and onerous document would be passed on to the client, and they would pay more for the same service.

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