27 April, 2020

Quora Answer: If a Couple's Income is $36,000 per Year, What Can They can They Invest from $50 to $100 Monthly?

One option, if that is available to you where you are, is to consider investing in a financial product that allows you to put aside $100 per month into buying funds.  These plans allow you to choose from a range of funds, with a percentage allocation to these.  Since you are putting money into funds, and not specific counters, you spread the risk because you are immediately diversified.

There are certain investment plans linked to insurance, but if your goal is solely investment, you have no need for the mortality charges.  Also, if you are above a certain age, the mortality charges eat into your earnings.  These plans have a distribution cost, but managed over time, with wisely chosen funds, they give good, steady returns over an extended financial horizon.

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