02 September, 2019

Quora Answer: Are You in Favour of the Death Penalty to Resolve the Drugs Issue?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “Are you in favour of the death penalty being implemented in your country to resolve the drugs issue? 

The death penalty for drug trafficking has been in force in Singapore for decades, and we do not have a drug problem.  However, this may not be possible in many places, particularly the US.  The death penalty is a part of the process.  It is not a magic bullet.  In Singapore, it works because we do not allow drug companies to advertise to the public on the mass media.  This means the medical professionals take the initiative in prescription, not the public.  People who begin abusing legal drugs are more susceptible to abusing illegal ones.  This is particularly true for opiates.  Healthcare is heavily regulated.  This keeps the cost of medication affordable, removing one of the reasons for drug trafficking. 

One of the reasons for drug abuse is disenfranchisement, and low socioeconomic mobility.  This requires a social safety network that gives people a chance to better themselves.  This also includes work programmes and education opportunities.  When the country is close to full employment, very few people have a reason to abuse drugs.  Human being need hope, and mental stimulation.  There is a comprehensive drug rehabilitation programme.  The regime is strict, but inmates are given an opportunity to study or learn a skill while they are incarcerated.  Upon release, there is a jobs placement programme known as the Yellow Ribbon Project, so they can move on with their lives. 

And then, there are the harsh drug laws that target traffickers and drug lords.  There are also laws that allow the government to seize the assets of traffickers as the proceeds of crime.  Those caught above specific amounts of scheduled drugs are hanged.  Hang enough of these people, and the rest gets the message.  It cleans up the gene pool, and conditions the citizens that there is no tolerance for drug abuse. 

This also works because the Singapore police force and the judiciary have a stellar reputation for incorruptibility.  This does not work in a place like the US, where the system is proven to disadvantage minorities.  When the system itself is corrupt, there is doubt regarding investigation and sentencing.  One of the problems with the US is that there is a vast disparity in standards between federal courts, state courts and county courts.  We must also consider that the political system is corrupt due to the lobbying system, where pharmaceutical companies help write the very laws that are supposed to regulate them, where the prison system is for profit, and where politicians are for sale to the highest lobbyists. 

In summary, I favour the death penalty, but because it is part of the rehabilitative and judicial system in Singapore.  I would not favour it in a place like the United States, where the legal system is inadequate, and the police force is corrupt.

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