31 July, 2020

Quora Answer: What Would You Consider an Unwise Investment at the Moment?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “What would you consider an unwise investment at the moment?

With regards to asset class, at this current moment, the most obvious would be cryptocurrencies.  Bitcoin, for example, is held hostage by a certain group with the most computing power controlling the ledger.  No stablecoin can justify their peg.  No cryptocurrency has a genuine secondary market at the moment.

With regards to market, I have no faith in the US economy.  It is a house of cards.  The country has outsourced its manufacturing capacity, and is in no position to bring it back.  It is overleveraged, and the only reason the American economy has not collapsed, yet is because the US dollar is the de facto reserve currency of the world.

With regards market sector, commodities are volatile and will continue to fluctuate badly due to disruptions, and slowing economic growth worldwide.

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