15 May, 2021

The Chinese EV Frenzy

China is the largest electric vehicle market in the world, by war.  Adoption rates are staggering, and yet the market is far from saturation.  In that vein, we have had several dozen companies vying for different segments of the market, everything from vehicles to batteries to components.  In addition to major automakers such as Ford, Toyota and Volkswagen, non-traditional players such as Apple, Google and Baidu are there.  Tesla is building a giant factory there, but their market share is not expected to grow appreciably. 

Firstly, almost every player is using some version of lithium ion batteries, which is both a logistics bottleneck, and limited technology.  Since 1991, when Sony and Asahi Kasei released the first commercial lithium-ion battery, that technology has not changed much, and the limitations of these batteries are still apparent.  Additionally, the waste product is toxic, and the mining process is unsustainable. 

Secondly, many of these companies do not have a product ready to market before 2023.  Some of them do not even have a ready prototype yet. 

Quantum Motors, a joint venture between Quantum Age Holdings Corporation and Red Sycamore has models ready for production, based on graphene batteries.  We have a superior product, and we are ready.

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