05 May, 2021

Quora Answer: Does Singapore Want to Vaccinate the Population so We Can Open the Borders?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “I suspect that one of the main reasons the Singapore government is getting herd immunity for the population is to further open our borders fully.  What do you think? 

The entire purpose of having the population vaccinated is so that we can get back to some semblance of business as usual.  That is common sense.  Singapore is a trade hub, an international port and airport, a major financial centre, a tourist destination.  The economy depends on open borders.  Shutting down the economy cost us billions per day, which us unsustainable. 

A successful vaccination programme gives us a good starting point to arrange travel bubbles with countries with similarly low levels of infection, and high levels of vaccination.  The intent is to eventually expand this travel bubble, and hopefully encompass most of our major trade partners.  Your question is simply stating the obvious.

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