30 May, 2021

Quora Answer: Is Toastmasters Worth Joining in 2021?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “Is Toastmasters worth joining in 2021? 

The world moves through communication.  If you want your voice to be heard, then you need to be able to speak effectively.  Although we are amidst a pandemic, and many places have varying levels of lockdown, we still need to communicate.  For many of us, that means virtual meetings, and video calls. 

Whether in person, or across any medium, we need to get our point across, and master the art of communication.  This applies across any medium, and is a life skill.  Toastmasters who only see the worth of public speaking in a physical setting have yet to fully grasp the possibilities of speaking to a wider audience beyond our immediate environments.

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