18 January, 2021

Quora Answer: Does Joining Toastmasters Make a Difference in Your Personality?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “Does joining Toastmasters make a difference in your personality? 

This really depends on what sort of person you are.  Generally, the increased proficiency in public speaking tends to engender a greater sense of quiet confidence in people, especially those who are reticent.  For people who are already outgoing, it may have the opposite effect since they acquire the ability to measure their words, since Toastmasters is about speaking effectively, not speaking a lot. 

Being an active member of Toastmasters also allows you to develop networking skills, which affect how you interact with people, and build your relationships.  The constant practice speaking to diverse audiences gives you the confidence to speak at events, and make new acquaintances.  These small successes feed you self-esteem and your confidence grows. 

People who are able to articulate their position well also become more assertive, since they now know how to say what they have always wanted to say, in the correct manner, which makes them natural spokespersons for the various groups they are in, from work to their social circles.  They are then seen as leaders, and they become leaders as a consequence.

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