24 October, 2021

The Perils of a Bad Leader

Few people like to be called to stand in for a speaker for a few minutes.  As many of us have noted, on average, people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of death.  That means, at a funeral, many of us would rather be in the coffin than giving the eulogy.  That is a problem. 

Brian Tracy, the famous self-development author, said, “Leaders think and talk about the solutions.  Followers think and talk about the problems.” 

I take it a step further.  Visionary leaders do not see challenges as problems, but as opportunities.  If we had no problems, we would have no opportunities.  There has to be a gap in demand for us to grow markets.  There has to be an inadequacy in service, for us to provide it.  There has to be some dissatisfaction for other people to step in.  That last one would also explain infidelity rates in some places. 

Bad leadership tells us we have problems.  Worse leadership tells us we are the problem.  Good leadership understands that these are opportunities, and believes that people.  In that same vein, I believe in you, and that is why I am here.  I believe that when we come together, we can overcome our fears.  That is why I am neither in the coffin yet, nor am I giving a eulogy.  It would be terrifying if the person in the coffin were giving the eulogy.

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