19 October, 2021

Quora Answer: Why am I Not Making Money from the Stock Market?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “I am not making any money from the stock market.  What am I doing wrong? 

You need to check you investment horizon, and your portfolio performance.  That would show that either you are being impatient, or your portfolio is really underperforming.  You need to have a goal, and check that against your investment horizon.  Investments are always measured against your targets and the market.  Your investment funds should be on par with the market.  If the index funds are themselves underperforming, reassess your exposure and your weightage between equity and debt instruments. 

You need to consider your portfolio, your currency risk, your political risk and your market.  To make money on the stock market, you do not need to “beat” the market.  You simply need the majority of the individual counters in your portfolio to increase in value in the period of hold.  This often means incremental adjustments.  Alternatively, find a good financial consultant or broker, and have a thorough portfolio review.

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