15 March, 2022

Quora Answer: What Makes a Person a Powerful Speaker?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “What makes a person a powerful speaker? 

A speaker is only as good as the result of the speech.  A charismatic speaker who has entertained the audience, but not achieved anything when the speech ends, is not a powerful speaker.  That speech has no compelling call to action.  We measure speakers by their influence, not their likeability or affability. 

To be an effective, influential speaker, you need to have a message that resonates with the audience, with a clear call to action, so that the people are moved to do something.  This is the act of giving voice to the voiceless.  This must be shared utilising the skills of rhetoric.  You have to speak in such a manner that the audience feels that you represent them, and articulate their concerns.  This requires the use of inclusive language.  You need to identify a problem, a contention, even an enemy, and that requires the use of accusative language.  You need to share a personal narrative, a hero’s journey of growth.  The next thing a speaker requires is the sort of persona and gravitas which gives credibility to that message.  How you carry yourself, how you dress, how your project your voice, how you command the stage, all that lends credence to your message.  A good speaker is also his reputation before he steps on that stage. 

Ultimately, the power of the speech is found in the moment.  A great speech, in the wrong moment, is words wasted.  On the other hand, the right word, said in the right moment, in the right manner, to the right people, moves the masses and echoes in eternity.  It has tangible effect, and benefits society, or the catalyst for great horrors.

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