06 January, 2022

Quora Answer: Where Can I Find Help to Set Up My Portfolio for Free?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “Where can I find somebody that can help me set up my portfolio and help me with some trades?  I do not want a full-time financial advisor or planner. 

There are probably forums and committees of people who think they know how to do this, with lots of tips and advice.  None of them will be very good.  What you are asking for is professional work.  You are not likely to get that for free.  Setting up a balanced portfolio that meets your investment goals, is aligned with your risk profile, and congruent with your investment horizon, is not as easy for someone who is not trained in it.  That is just the beginning.  We have not even addressed managing the portfolio.  If you are serious about getting it done right, then pay someone.  There is no free lunch.

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