27 January, 2022

Quora Answer: What Do You Think of the Passing of the Foreign Interference Countermeasures Act (FICA) in Singapore?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “What do you think of the passing of the Foreign Interference Countermeasures Act (FICA) in Singapore? 

The Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act 2021 is a statute of the Parliament of Singapore.  The intent is to provide the Ministry of Home Affairs with the powers required to investigate politically significant persons, defined as political parties; political office holders; all Members of Parliament, including the Non-Constituency MPs and Nominated MPs; the Leader of the House; the Leader of the Opposition; and election candidates, and their election agents.  It is not limited to them, and may be expanded.  The criticism that the powers granted are broad, but this is the first bill of its kind, to address an unprecedented situation, and we need to start somewhere.  I expect that the act will be refined over time, and amended.  That being said, it is necessary. 

Singapore, and its government, have been targetted by foreign interests for some time, particularly from China, and elements of the American political class, to advance their agenda.  In an age of extensive social media penetration, the manipulation of news, the proliferation of fake news, and attempts to manipulate the electorate has been noted in many places.  An example of this is the election of Donald John Trump, and the subversion of the American electoral process at every level for partisan political agendas.  Less public incidences, many of them difficult to prove include the foreign funds that poured into Indonesia at the last presidential election, which may have subverted the vote.  This included manipulation of the voting computers, and ballots.  There is also the concerted Russian campaign in Europe and the Middles East, using hacks, bots, fake social media accounts, and more. 

Closer to our doorstep, Singapore’s concern is China.  We are not going to say it explicitly, but China has cultivated academics, reporters, and persons of influence in Singapore and the region.  We paid close attention to how the Chinese helped the Rajapaksa brothers to power, in return for control of Hambantota International Port, giving them a deep water port in the Indian Ocean, and inflaming tensions with India.  Sri Lanka was once thought to the fastest growing economy in South Asia.  Now, it has regressed.  Unchecked growth of Chinese influence on our population is detrimental to Singapore.  The Chinese consider the island a “Chinese” island due to its Chinese majority, discounting the significant non-Chinese minority. 

There is further concern that several so-called independent media outlets are funded by interests that are contrary to Singapore’s.  These independent media, including the Online Citizen, were funded by foreign interests, to fulfill a specific agenda, while masquerading as independent critics of Singapore.  Specific political parties and Opposition politicians are also thought to be clandestinely funded by foreign organisations and individuals such as George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.  These include individuals who are largely based overseas, and only come back to contest elections.  They are not the sort of people we want in our Parliament. 

The Foreign Interference Countermeasures Act (FICA) is a necessary tool to protect the independence of Singapore, and maintain the integrity of our political and judicial processes.  The average Singaporean is not aware of the extent of the counterespionage campaign that is fought in the shadows as we balance differing national interests and maintain our neutrality.

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