29 April, 2020

Quora Answer: Do You Think Retirement Villages are a Necessity in Singapore?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “Do you think retirement villages are a necessity in Singapore?

It will eventually be a necessity.  This is because we have an aging population, and will soon reach a point where there are insufficient numbers in the younger generation to physically look after their elders.  There will be families where the adult children are not in a position to look after their elderly parents, and there will be larger numbers of these elderly with no one to look after them.

There are already people who are developing such retirement villages in Malaysia, Indonesia, and as far away as Australia.  For disclosure, I am a director of a company that is in the process of acquiring land to develop retirement villages.  What makes these retirement villages attractive business propositions is that these elderly have the disposal able income to pay for the amenities of such a place, and they would want it to be luxurious.

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