29 April, 2020

Quora Answer: Can I Make a Claim if Someone Gave Me Investment Advice, & I Lost Everything?

I am still amazed that there are people naive enough to believe that there are investments that are 100% capital guaranteed.  There is no such thing.

In such a case, you may have the option of taking a civil suit against the other party, but that only works if they have something that you can gain in compensation.  If they are themselves broke, or financially compromised, you have thrown away money for a judgement that cannot be enforced beyond making them bankrupt.

If, however, you can prove that there was an element of fraud, then it becomes a criminal case.  Subject to the outcome of the prosecution, you may them use that judgement to take out a suit against them.  Again, it depends if they have assets to be seized.  The publicity of such a case would likely mean a long line of creditors, from state organs to banks to victims.  As a victim, you are the least in priority.

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