09 September, 2019

EMinent Communicators TMC as Project Evaluator, 03rd September 2019

On the 03rd September 2019, I was at EMinent Communicators Toastmasters Club, as project evaluator.  This was my 46th club visit on the 65th day of the Toastmaster year.

The Toastmaster of the Day was Mithun Jugal Kishore Malani.  The language evaluator was Penny Anne Radcliffe.  The timer was Khoo Li Shan.  The table topics master was Lily Hu.

The president, Mithun Jugal Kishore Malani, gave an opening address, speaking about consumerism, and the need for people to accumulate things.  He spoke of abundance in society, and the need to find balance.  This would not only address climate change, but our own psychological health.  Accumulating for the sake of it is not healthy.

Ulrike Agostin’s project was a toast, and she toasted Mithun Jugal Kishore Malani.  She said, “Supporting another’s success has never dampened your own,” which is a quote of unknown origin.  However, it encapsulates Mithun Jugal Kishore Malani’s servant leadership, his selfless service, and his dedication to the cause of being effective communicators.  She ended by saying that Mithun Jugal Kishore Malani is the living embodiment that giving brings happiness.

Angela Lansbury spoke about how chocolate, and the process of its cultivation, and extraction, before cocoa becomes chocolate.  It was an informative speech.

Mithun Jugal Kishore Malani then did his project speech.  Hilariously, it was about receiving an award.  In this case, it was about receiving an award for integrity.  His speech was expansive, and effusive in his praise of his team, and the work they put in, and he dedicated his award to them.

The evaluators were Alexander Gummenscheimer, myself, and Ulrike Agostin.

Best Speaker: Mithun Jugal Kishore Malani, and Ulrike Agostin;
Best Evaluator: Myself; and

Best Table Topics Speaker: Guest.

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