09 September, 2019

Clementi TMC as Project Evaluator, 07th September 2019

On the 07th September 2019, I was at Clementi Toastmasters Club, as project evaluator.  This was my 53rd club visit on the 69th day of the Toastmaster year.

The Toastmaster of the Day was Hamsapriya Selvam.  The language evaluator was John Sih.  The timer was Masafumi Inoue.  The table topics master was Angie Ng.  The ah counter was Alvin Ho.

Noopur Joshi Shrikhande gave a fascinating speech about coffee, and the process of extraction.  She educated the audience about the roast, the extract, and the geography; and how that affects the flavour.

Diann Liew Woon Chin spoke about how women live longer than men, by about four to eight years, and so it would be better for women to marry younger men, which was said in jest.  She explained the reasons why women live longer, such as hormones, diet, the inherent competitiveness of men, and the fact that men were involved in higher risk activities.  It was a speech that elicited audience participation on both sides of the gender divide.

Hiroshi Kaneko gave a moving speech in praise of his father, who turns 77 years, later this month.  He described his father as a public servant, a focused, serious person, and as “a hermit living in a deep mountain”.  It was poignant, humorous, and insightful.

Hamsapriya Selvam gave a speech reflecting on her path, which was Dynamic Leadership.  She spoke of her fear of authority, and how she overcame that challenge through the public speaking programme in the Pathway.

The evaluators were Alvin Ho, Noopur Joshi Shrikhande, myself, Suresh A., and Gareth Chin.

Best Speaker: Liang Shi Xian;
Best Evaluator: Myself; and
Best Table Topics Speaker: John Sih.

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