18 August, 2020

Quora Answer: Why Did Singapore Ban Pornography but Legalise Prostitution?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “Why did Singapore ban pornography, but legalise prostitution?

Singapore is pragmatic.  We understand that prostitution cannot be totally eradicated, and it would not serve the national good for it to be so.  There are thousands of foreign workers in Singapore, mainly men, who need an outlet for their sexual frustrations.  This would be preferable to an increase in sexual assaults.  Sanctioned brothels and prostitutes can be regulated.  They pay taxes, the prostitutes go for regular health screenings, and we have localised the problem so that it may be managed.  It also helps us address the issue of sex trafficking by giving these women rights, and a measure of legal protection.

On the other hand, pornography cannot be regulated.  What is banned is the publication, production and dissemination of pornography locally.  This is addressed through three primary acts of legislation: the Films Act (Cap 107), the Penal Code (Cap 224), and the Undesirable Publications Act (Cap 338).  Streaming of pornography for personal consumption is not illegal in Singapore.  However, the Media Development Authority has blocked sites such as Pornhub to symbolically proscribe it.  The government does not generally get involved in the personal habits of the people.

However, in the course of any criminal investigation, should pornographic images and videos be discovered on electronic devices, or in a legal search, you are liable to be charged.  The severest penalties are in the production of pornography, such as voyeurism, which is an outrage of the modesty of unsuspecting victims.  Child pornography is also addressed as part of the Children & Young Person’s Act (Cap 38), but there are plans in place to strengthen protection in reforms of the Penal Code. 

In summary, consumption of pornography itself is not banned.  Possession of pornography, production and dissemination of pornographic material, and the importation of pornographic material is.

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