19 August, 2020

Quora Answer: Is Malaysia Increasingly Hostile towards Singapore?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “Is Malaysia being increasingly hostile to Singapore?  Will Malaysia gain more from this unfriendly approach?  Will Singapore have no other choice, other than rejoining Malaysia, in the future?

Malaysia is not being increasingly hostile to Singapore.  Behind the scenes, at every level, it is very much business as usual.  There is cooperation at every level, from law enforcement to ministerial matters on many other issues.  Singaporeans still visit Malaysian; some even stay there.  Malaysians still come to Singapore to work and study.  Singapore is still a major investor.  They are major trade partners of each other.

Unfortunately, Malaysian politicians, especially Mahathir bin Mohamad, use Singapore as a distraction from major issues in domestic politics.  It is easier to find fault with Singapore, imaginary or otherwise, on a myriad of issues from water supply to port access, than to admit to domestic policy missteps.  It is nothing personal.  It is business as usual.

Singapore is not joining Malaysia anytime soon.  I am not sure what you mean by “no other choice”.  Malaysia is not in any position to force Singapore into a union, and neither is it politically feasible nor convenient for Malaysians either.  There are no compelling reasons, economic, political, or otherwise, for there to be any union.

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