16 August, 2020

Quora Answer: If Iran Used Mines to Attack Oil Tankers in International Waters, Would You Support the Use of the US Military to Eliminate the Iranian Threat?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “If Iran used mines to attack oil tankers headed to Japan, in international waters, would you support the use of the US military to eliminate the Iranian military threat?

The only source of these allegations of Iranian aggression is the US, and the US is far from the most credible source.  The US has been using the same methods to justify aggression for decades, from the Gulf of Tonkin incident to start the Vietnam War, to the debunked claims of weapons of mass destruction to invade Iraq, to this.  The UK government is America’s lap dog.  Their verification carries no worth either.

The US has been agitating for war with Iran for decades.  This is not new.  It was the CIA which overthrew the democratically elected government of Mohammad Mosaddegh, in a 1953 coup, and installed the Shah as an American puppet.  When the Shah was overthrown, the US used a proxy to invade Iran in the aftermath of the Iranian Revolution.  They sanctioned Saddam Hussein’s invasion which lead to the Iran-Iraq War, and funded him.  American aggression against Iran is not new.

In light of this, who, in their right mind, would sanction further American military adventure and regime change for their selfish interests, and upset the international order?  It was American meddling that created the vacuum that allowed groups such as ISIS to gain traction.  Iran will have Russian and Chinese help.  There is a danger that this will turn into a global conflict, and all because America’s leadership is infested with jingoistic warmongers.

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