26 April, 2022

Quora Answer: Is Public Speaking Part of Rhetoric or a Separate Discipline?

The following is my answer to a Quora question: “Is public speaking a part of rhetoric or is it a separate discipline? 

Rhetoric is the ability to put forth a coherent, cogent argument, for or against a contention, with the intent to persuade the listener or listeners to a specific position.  This applies in any context, from private discussions, to public speaking.  The name of this entire discipline, is rhetoric.  Public speaking is the application of rhetoric to a wider audience, within the public sphere.  Whilst the foundational skills of rhetoric are the same in every context, the manner of application of these skills vary wildly depending on the context, the target audience, the intended outcome, and other considerations of context.  Public speaking is a part of rhetoric, but rhetoric is more than simply public speaking.

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